striation drawings

Using diverse mark-making styles, Alejandro delves into an exploration of Drawing, and examines the discourse between Painting and Drawing. The striations which drag across the pages evoke gestural strokes emblematic of both Figure Drawing and Alla-prima Painting, creating a dynamic dialogue between the two mediums. Deliberately layering these lines, Alejandro pays homage to the traditional painting process of layering colors, yet subverts it by scratching into already painted layers to reveal the striated structure underneath. The intricate marks conceal, unveil, and intertwine giving Alejandro’s work an abstract and meditative quality.

This method evolved from Alejandro’s practice of sketching people and places throughout his daily life and travels. He selects paper for his medium as a nod to informal drawing and challenges notions that often assign drawing on paper to a perceived lesser status than painting on canvas or linen.

Alejandro expresses a lived experience and emotion within each of his abstract drawings.